Title: Enemies Beware Author: wild_jinx Beta: queenbee_12 & thesockmonster Rating: NC-17 Pairing(s)/Focus: Chanyeol/Chen Side Pairings: Kris/Suho & Kai/Taemin, briefly mentioned Kyungsoo/Sehun & Kangin/Leeteuk Length: 30,972 Summary: The war between wolves and vampires has raged on for centuries. Chanyeol, the Lead Alpha of his pack, has no idea what caused it, only that the
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Title: Never dry your tears without gloves Author: laughingvirus Rating: NC-17 Pairing: Junmyeon/Minseok Side Pairings: Luhan/Yifan/Yixing/Zitao, Jongin/Sehun, Joohyun/Seulgi/Seungwan/Sooyoung, past!Jinah(Nana)/Yixing, past!Minseok/Taekwoon Length: 33.471 words Summary: Junmyeon wakes up alone in a new world. Genre: supernatural, horror Warnings: [spoiler]vampires,
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